
Emma Rowe
Curriculum Vitae
John Colet School 2000-2007; University of Nottingham 2010-2013; DeMontfort 2015
10 GCSEs; BSc Adult Nursing; Post Graduate Certificate in Practice Nursing
Work History:
Nottingham Citycare; Church Walk Surgery
Current Job:
Practice Nurse
Church Walk Surgery
About Me:
Curly haired, green eyed, nerdy nurse
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I live in Derbyshire. I moved to Nottingham for university in 2010 and haven’t looked back. I love spending time with my friends and going to visit my family all over England.
In my spare time, I like binge watching tv shows on the sofa in my pyjamas, going for dinner with my friends and singing very loudly in the car. I’ve recently joined a gym and am trying to get fitter as well as healthier.
My Work:
Practice Nursing
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I work as a Practice Nurse. That is basically a Nurse who works in a doctor’s surgery. I take blood, I consult patients on long term conditions, I vaccinate adults and children. I assess and treat wounds – that’s my favourite part of my role. The gorier the better!
My Typical Day:
Wake up, cup of tea and then it’s all go!
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I usually arrive at work half an hour before the surgery opens. SO much happens behind the scenes in your local doctor’s surgery. It is my job to check the vaccine fridges every morning. This is usually done with a pen behind my ear and a cup of tea in hand.
Morning surgery is always busy. My morning consists of mostly bloods and long term condition yearly check ups. This includes conditions such as asthma, heart problems and diabetes. I see some wounds in this time also. Baby immunisation clinics also happen on a Tuesday morning.
Lunch time is my favourite part of the day. Firstly, this means food. Secondly, it’s usually my first opportunity to see my fellow nurses so we always have a catch up with each other. This is mostly about work, but sometimes personal things too.
Afternoon surgery is usually steady but less chaotic than morning surgery. Firstly, no bloods in the afternoon as collection is at lunchtime, secondly, the doctors have all gone out on home visits so it’s just nurses seeing patients.
I can see between 25 and 50 patients in a day so it’s very busy.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Friendly, nerdy, enthusiastic
Who is your favourite singer or band?
All Time Low
What's your favourite food?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Theatre Performer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, I once got detention for wearing trainers though.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Graduated as a nurse, then getting my Post Grad in Practice Nursing
What or who inspired you to do your job?
My friend Hannah said I would make a good nurse
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Probably a Teaching Assistant
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) Get a dog 2) Go to DisneyWorld 3) Live closer to my family/have a teleporter to visit my family
Tell us a joke.