
Katharine Bradbury
Curriculum Vitae
Abbey Grange High School, Leeds, then University of Nottingham Medical School (1992-1998)
Work History:
I worked in various hospitals in the Midlands before becoming a GP in Nottingham
Current Job:
GP partner
Hucknall Road Medical Centre, Nottingham
About Me:
I work as a GP in Nottingham
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I live with my partner and 6 year old daughter. In my spare time I enjoy running, swimming, making curry from scratch and learning to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. My favourite TV series is Line of Duty.
My Work:
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I work as a part time GP partner in a large practice looking after 12 500 patients.
My Typical Day:
is very varied!
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I arrive at work at 0730 and start the day by looking at my work emails. Usually I see patients in surgery between 0800-1130. Then there are home visits, paper work (looking at blood and XR results and hospital letters). I also sign prescriptions and deal with medications queries. Usually I manage a quick break for lunch and catch up with my colleagues. My evening surgery is between 1500-1830.
I am responsible for supervising medical students and junior doctors doing placements in general practice which I find very rewarding. The medical students generally sit in my surgery and observe. The junior doctors have their own patients to see but we meet to discuss each patient to make sure their management has been appropriate.
Some days I am on call – as well as seeing patients with urgent problems I spent time phoning patients to answer their questions and issue prescriptions. I may also have to do urgent home visits and liaise with the ambulance service and other health professional involved with our patients.
Every week we have a practice business meeting (to discuss issues relating to the practice building and staff) and a clinical meeting (to discuss new research, guidelines and clinical cases).
Each GP in our practice has specific areas they are interested in: mine are cancer care and dementia.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Optimistic, curious, persistent
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Thai curry
What did you want to be after you left school?
When I was 4 I wanted to be a ballerina
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes… usually for talking in class!
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Become a GP
What or who inspired you to do your job?
My chemistry teacher
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Work in an elephant orphanage in Kenya
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. To find a cure for cancer 2. To have my own swimming pool
Tell us a joke.
Patient: Doctor, when I press my leg it hurts. Then when I press my chest it hurts, when I press my head it hurts, and when I press my stomach it hurts. I’m worried doc, what’s wrong with me? Doctor: Easy; straightforward, you have a sore finger!