The best healthcare professionals I know are all good communicators.
For that you’ve got to watch and listen as well as talk. Non-verbal communication clues are as important as what’s being said.
Also be Humble.
Arrogance won’t work most of the time. It can help in surgery sometimes but mostly I think gets in the way of good doctor-patient and doctor-colleague relations.
Patience! You have to be able to hear your patient out. Communication skills are essential – not just talking, you also have to be able to listen and watch for social cues from your patient. Sometimes what patients say and what patients mean are very different so it’s important to take the time to hear them out and not fill in what you think they mean.
Kind and caring is also essential to be a nurse, you don’t build good relationships with patients or colleagues if you’re mean.
Compassion is by far the most important and remembering that even if a problem is not a medical emergency, to the patient it is. You also need to be a good listener and non-judgemental as irrespective of a patients life style our job is to help them all equally and professionally. Patience is also high up there in the list of requirements as some patients can find it difficult to discuss things straight away either through embarrassment or learning difficulties or just difficulty with explaining how they feel.