Online schools outreach for healthcare workers

I’m a Medic, Get me out of here is an online, student-led enrichment activity for schools

Apply to take part ❯

  • Chat with students and teachers using a text only platform
  • Answer students’ follow-up questions
  • Take part as a team and have a chance to win £500 for further engagement projects

It’s all online, accessible from anywhere, and text-based (no audio or video needed).

The time commitment is flexible – just take part at the times that suit your schedule.

Live Chats last 30 minutes, and you can take as part in as many as you like.

Take part as a team in March 2023 to showcase the wide variety of job roles it takes to make the NHS work.

It only takes 2 minutes to apply.
We’ll be in touch about the next steps.

What healthcare workers say:

It made me reflect on what I liked about my job. It made me hopeful about the next generation. It was exhilarating

“It’s been a fantastic experience as a team”

Find out more:

How I’m a Medic works



Apply to take part ❯

Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub

“If you work in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, we are your ‘go to’ place for education and development opportunities for the Primary, Community and Social Care workforce.

In summary, we offer: workforce planning support, funding for learning and development, educational events, CPD and training, apprenticeships, placements, Evidence Support Services, and lead on several workforce development projects.

We also work with our Primary Care colleagues to help their understanding of the new roles in Primary Care, and connect them with peer support networks.”

Lincolnshire Training Hub

Lincolnshire Training Hub’s role is to bring together NHS organisations, community providers and local authorities. They provide courses and information to support Doctors, Nurses, AHPs and other members of the primary healthcare team.

LLR Training Hub

The LLR Training Hub aims to meet the education needs of the multi-disciplinary primary care team. It is comprised of three locality hubs; Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Hereford and Worcestershire Training Hub

The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Training Hub aims to promote collaborative working and multi-professional development to the Primary Care workforce.

Health Education Derbyshire Training Hub

The Health Education Derbyshire Training Hub nurtures and empowers Derbyshire’s primary and social care workforces through the provision of professional, accessible and inclusive training experiences.