Lesson Plans


Lesson 1 – Exploring the NHS

Lesson objectives:

Introduce I’m a Medic.

Consider a range of careers in the NHS and understand the services the NHS provides.

Identify primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services and when they are used.


Starter (5 minutes)

Introduce I’m a Medic and explain the activity briefly (show the site on a screen if possible). Explain the activity using the introductory information.

Activity 1: Mindmapping (15 minutes)

  1. In small groups create a mindmap of different roles in the NHS.
  2. Review these roles as a class – how many did students come up with? Did they cover different areas of medicine, and valuable support roles?
  3. Explore roles further using the NHS Health Careers Website

Activity 2: Quiz (15 minutes)

The NHS provides a wide range of services in the UK, each one part of Primary, Secondary or Tertiary healthcare.

Primary is the day-to-day healthcare and usually the first point of contact for a patient.
Secondary (hospital & community care) is urgent or planned care such as simple operations or minor injuries.
Tertiary includes highly specialised treatment such as neurosurgery and transplants.

Using the NHS services worksheet, either printed or on the screen, students think about a range of services and identify where they fit into healthcare provision. Students should also consider who normally provides the service (community, hospital, voluntary or social care).

As primary healthcare is normally the first point of contact it is likely that students will have used many of the services.

Activity 3: Group activity and discussion (15 minutes)

Most people will have used more than one healthcare service, but how do you decide which one to use?

Students allocate a range of scenarios to the appropriate service using the Injury / Illness cards and Table Graphics from NHS 70.
Set up nine tables and label each one as an NHS service from the Table Graphics sheet.
Give each student or group of students one of the injury or illness scenarios. Challenge them to decide which service is appropriate to their scenario by sitting at the relevant table.

There may often be more than one appropriate solution and most services can advise or treat multiple conditions. This activity is designed to increase student awareness of NHS services and help them make informed decisions about their health, now and in the future.

Suggested homework:

Students log in to imamedic.ddev.site
They should set up their profiles and choose a username.
Students then can read the healthcare team profiles in the zone, and the questions and answers already on the site.


Discuss their reasons for selecting a service and encourage them to think about what would have happened in a real-life scenario.


Students come up with additional scenarios.

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Lesson 2 — Meet the Healthcare Workers

Lesson objectives:

Consider the different roles within the NHS.

Consider a range of criteria to judge the healthcare team on, and understand that different (important) values may need to be weighed against each other.

Develop a sense of democracy and how to decide how to cast a vote.

Discuss different viewpoints and understand different values will be important to different people in the class.


Activity 1: Class discussion (20 minutes)

This activity encourages students to consider criteria to use when deciding who to vote for and how to judge their work.

  1. Display the criteria list on a screen, or hand out printed copies.
  2. Get the class to whittle down the list to the most important criteria.
  3. Get the class to rank the five most important criteria – you may want to write these five on the board for later or save them electronically to refer to throughout the activity.
  4. Discuss any other criteria that aren’t on the list, that students might consider important when judging healthcare workers.

Activity 2: Group summary (15 minutes)

Split the class into groups. Assign each group a healthcare worker and hand them a printout of their profile from the I’m a Medic website. It may be useful to have the website up on the board.

  1. Get the students to read through their profile as a group.
  2. Get each group to read out their profile’s name and job role to the class.
  3. Ask each group to give a summary of their healthcare worker to the rest of the class. Some profiles might be about a team of healthcare workers, in which case students can pick one team member to summarise.
  4. Discuss how each healthcare worker fits in with the five most important criteria the class selected earlier in activity one.

Plenary: Discussion in pairs (10 minutes)

In pairs, students discuss who they would vote for based on what they have learnt today.

Suggested Homework:

Students check their dashboards to see which healthcare workers have signed up for their live Chat. Think of 3 questions they would like to ask them, in preparation for the Chat.

Students can continue reading the questions and answers already on the site and post a question in ASK. If they know who they want to win, they can cast their vote.

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Lesson 3 — Live chat

See the Teacher Guidance notes for information on preparing for this lesson.

Lesson objectives:

Interact with healthcare workers using the live chat

Broaden the students’ understanding of careers within the NHS


  • Live chat booking (important: book in advance from your dashboard)
  • Access to the website for individuals or pairs. The chat can be accessed from school or remotely.
  • List of the top five criteria chosen in Lesson 1
  • Suggested questions from Lesson 2

Starter: Prepare for the chat (5 minutes)

In this live chat lesson the students can get to know the healthcare workers better, in real time.

  1. Log in to the website (imamedic.ddev.site).
  2. Click Chat at the top of the page to join the session.
  3. While waiting for the Chat to start, as a class go over the important criteria from Lesson 1, Suggested Questions from Lesson 2 and questions students have prepared. If students were hoping to chat with a specific healthcare worker who can’t make the chat, encourage them to post their question(s) in Ask instead.

Activity: Live chat session (40 minutes)

Chat with the healthcare workers, as individuals, pairs or small groups. See the teacher guidance for how the chat system works.

In the Chat students can get to know the healthcare workers better, in real time. Remind them that they have a big responsibility because they can vote for which team wins £500.

Plenary (5 minutes)

Students Vote for the team they think should win.

Are there any other questions they didn’t get to ask? Post these in Ask.

Remind students that they can use the site to ask questions at home if they have access to the internet.

Suggested Homework:

Keep asking the healthcare teams questions and commenting on other answers in the Ask section


Suggest questions or ask healthcare workers the mind mapped questions from Lesson 2.


Read profiles to ask questions about their specific jobs. How do different roles make up a Primary Care team?

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