I think almost all of them can to seem extent or even completely. With dementia, even though you can’t reverse the process you can still help aspects of it and provide help with daily living skills and improve their quality of life at that time.
mandy : yes, with combination of medication and therapies, but also about someone making chages to look after themselves ,and how they view things so they are less affected by them. we talk about recovery – making most of life despite limitations, not cure
Yes, in some way. It might not be purely with medication but as the others say could be by helping people to cope with their situation differently. It is very rare that we have someone on the ward that we can’t do anything for, even if it just signposting them to other services e.g. substance misuse services or social services etc
Arts Therapy Team commented on :
mandy : yes, with combination of medication and therapies, but also about someone making chages to look after themselves ,and how they view things so they are less affected by them. we talk about recovery – making most of life despite limitations, not cure
Psychiatry Ward Team commented on :
Yes, in some way. It might not be purely with medication but as the others say could be by helping people to cope with their situation differently. It is very rare that we have someone on the ward that we can’t do anything for, even if it just signposting them to other services e.g. substance misuse services or social services etc