Question: do most people that you work with acknowledge there is something different about them in comparison to everybody else in society
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Asked by 599menb22 to Neel - Psychiatrist, Home Treatment Team, Early Intervention Team, Ed - Mental Health Nurse, Arts Therapy Team on 30 Jan 2019.Question: do most people that you work with acknowledge there is something different about them in comparison to everybody else in society
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Psychiatry Ward Team commented on :
Interesting question!
Sometimes people come to us because they feel like they aren’t “right” – for example they might notice they feel lower in mood or suicidal, and they don’t like feeling that way.
Some conditions can cause people to lose what we call insight (being able to tell that you are unwell) – psychosis can be defined as “losing contact with reality”, so they believe things that aren’t true (delusions, such as believing that they are being tested on by MI5) or see/hear things that others can’t (hallucinations, such as hearing voices). In these situations people might not have insight and might not think there is anything wrong with them at all.
I think Richard is spot on – there is no such things as a “normal” person as we all have our own quirks, values and beliefs. I think there is a lot of pressure (with social media) to be something we might not be.