• Question: does it upset you seeing adults with mental health

    Asked by 322menb34 to Psychiatry Ward Team, Neel - Psychiatrist, Home Treatment Team, Early Intervention Team, Ed - Mental Health Nurse, Arts Therapy Team, Annabel - Head of HR on 23 Jan 2019.
    • Photo: Sheffield Psychiatry Ward Team

      Sheffield Psychiatry Ward Team answered on 23 Jan 2019: last edited 23 Jan 2019 11:19 am

      Emma here. Sometimes it can be upsetting, especially as a lot of our patients have had tough backgrounds, sometimes including abuse or neglect. Some of our patients are extremely vulnerable. Some misuse alcohol or drugs to cope and there is a huge stigma towards that and mental illness in general in society.

      However it is really rewarding being able to help. Sometimes medication can help, sometimes it can be involving services that can help with addictions, or helping with housing or something else similar. Sometimes just offering a listening ear can make all the difference.

      Most of the time I feel proud and honoured to do this job!

    • Photo: Arts Therapy Team

      Arts Therapy Team answered on 23 Jan 2019:

      Cat ( Music Therapy) . It can be distressing at times, and for this reason it is really important to make sure we look after ourselves as clinicians. As part of the arts Therapies trainings we have to engage in our own individual psychotherapy to support us to manage our own vulnerabilities and to get to know ourselves better. This helps us to then manage working with people’s stories, experiences etc that may influence their mental health. Once in the job we also have something called ‘ clinical supervision’, a meeting with a more senior arts therapist who you can discuss cases with. In the arts therapies we discuss our own emotional response to our clients to help us further understand and support them in their ongoing therapy.

      It is also very important to be aware of our own struggles with mental health and ways we can cope.

    • Photo: Home Treatment Team

      Home Treatment Team answered on 23 Jan 2019:

      Steven here, I found it more upsetting when I first started but knowing we are there to help and that we have a good track record in aiding recovery helps me manage my feelings.

    • Photo: Neel Halder

      Neel Halder answered on 28 Jan 2019:

      Hi, yes it can be upsetting when you hear of some of the stories that brought them to where they are, but ultimately it is rewarding when you see them get better and their lives back on track. We are trained in how to deal with the upsetting things we see so it doesn’t tend to affect how you live your own life.
