Question: How long approximately does the process of medical school and learning take before you can become a hospital doctor/nurse?
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Asked by George to Psychiatry Ward Team, Ed - Mental Health Nurse on 24 Jan 2019.Question: How long approximately does the process of medical school and learning take before you can become a hospital doctor/nurse?
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Neel - Psychiatrist commented on :
Hi George, Emma’s done a great job answering this. Speaking as a consultant, I know it may seem a long time to get there, but believe me it goes in the blink of an eye, and it is totally worth it. Even when you’re in medical school they do let you into the hospital wards to learn and it is really exciting. I couldn’t think of anything better than helping real people get back on their feet. I think I’ve become a better person just going through the training myself. You’re always surrounded by loads of people so you never feel like you’re left alone to do something you can’t do. There’s always someone you can ask for help.