Question: What advice would you give to someone with an eating disorder??
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Asked by 854menb42 to Psychiatry Ward Team, Neel - Psychiatrist, Ed - Mental Health Nurse on 29 Jan 2019. This question was also asked by evie mae nield.Question: What advice would you give to someone with an eating disorder??
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Arts Therapy Team commented on :
we do work with people with eating disorders , but primarily they go to the specialist eating disorder service
there is a website for the eating disorders association, also BEAT support for families and carers
Home Treatment Team commented on :
Today there are ever increasing demands for young people to look perfect, achieve the best grades, to have everything instantly and feeling a failure if they don’t have enough friends or likes on facebook, Instagram etc. All of which can affect peoples body image and also self confidence and self esteem. Eating disorders affect girls and boys and is often one way the person is able to control something where they may not have full control of other issues in their life. I have worked with many patients with eating disorders and it can be a very challenging area to work in as you see some very sick people and it has a huge impact on the family. Our hospital trust has a specialist eating disorder service where people receive specialist input to help them look at food differently and learn to control their disordered eating. Sometimes people are very unwell with the disorder that they may require admission to hospital as they may be too weak to look after themselves.
faith commented on :
so I have this friend with an eating disorder because she was bullied for being “fat” how can I help her to start eating properly again?
Arts Therapy Team commented on :
Hi Kylie: You can help her by just being a good friend, and listening and supporting her with getting professional help, ( if you are worried about her safety and health don’t keep it a secret and don’t be drawn into keeping secrets, your friend might not like this, it is and can be a life threatening illness so tell your parents or her parents/responsible adult/teacher- don’t be alone with the responsibility)