Muna – As a team we offer a variety of treatments with the aim to help not only a person’s mental health but also housing, work and finances if they have problems there. We can offer people medication that will help them, psychology therapies that will help with how they cope, we can refer people who need help with money to welfare services. For people that are found it difficult meeting other people we can give them information on local support and day centres.
I can prescribe medication or ask a psychologist to help. Others need social support or help with their daily activities. Each person is unique so we need to listen to what they need and tailor something for them.
Neel - Psychiatrist commented on :
I can prescribe medication or ask a psychologist to help. Others need social support or help with their daily activities. Each person is unique so we need to listen to what they need and tailor something for them.
Arts Therapy Team commented on :
Richard: Its a mixture of talking therapy and doing art work about important things that matter to the patient, their thoughts their emotions.