Most medical schools require you to have a chemistry A-Level and I would imagine that to become a biomedical scientist it would be helpful too. For most of the other health-related careers it’s probably not needed. The best thing to do would be to look on a few university websites on a course you are interested in and see what their entrance requirements are 🙂
I believe that most medical schools require a chemistry A level. The irony is that I rarely use chemistry in my day to day work as a GP! Some medical specialties use a lot of chemistry though, for example microbiology & histopathology, haematology, biochemistry. In other words, a lot of the lab-based specialties. However, in medical research chemistry is key as discovering new medicines requires a lot of chemical analysis and then chemical engineering to go into production!
As mentioned above, most medical schools require A-level Chemistry for their Medicine courses. Some may ask for Biology and another science. Here is a link to a document where you can see what medical schools ask for:
As for other healthcare professions, most do not specifically require it, unless it is for a field such as biochemistry, pharmacy etc. On this site you can do a quiz and it’ll suggest which healthcare career is right for you based on your answers. You can also look at the entry requirements for all the different careers.
WP/Admissions Officer commented on :
As mentioned above, most medical schools require A-level Chemistry for their Medicine courses. Some may ask for Biology and another science. Here is a link to a document where you can see what medical schools ask for:
As for other healthcare professions, most do not specifically require it, unless it is for a field such as biochemistry, pharmacy etc. On this site you can do a quiz and it’ll suggest which healthcare career is right for you based on your answers. You can also look at the entry requirements for all the different careers.