no at school I liked biology best. I went inot publishing and loved it then wanted to help others more and be more creative myself. you could say I was frustrated artist
unfortunately then at my school ( i am 62!) we were pushed into arts or sciences and I am someone who like both. it is hard unless you know your career as you want to study the best choices
out of school as a child I drew a lot
Richard: I liked Art Geography and maths, I’m no longer good at maths but do like to use statistical analysis still., but art still won out (I have been learning to play the guitar since I was 16 still rubbish)
Arts Therapy Team commented on :
Cat ( Music Therapist ). I always enjoyed music but also loved maths. I think I knew that I wanted to use my music in my career so stuck with it.
Arts Therapy Team commented on :
Richard: I liked Art Geography and maths, I’m no longer good at maths but do like to use statistical analysis still., but art still won out (I have been learning to play the guitar since I was 16 still rubbish)