
Anita Raja
Curriculum Vitae
Just Medicine really …. WAS not very academic :p
did my GCSE’s
A levels …..
I wasn’t one of the brightest
Work History:
I have worked to Televison from the age of 18-19 till 2013 when I moved to the UK started working as an FY1 ( juniorestttttttttttttt dr ever ! ) did my FY2 then did a year of locum work ( non training work ) saved some money bought a bigger house . Got into GP training in 2016 and finished in 2019 🙂
Current Job:
I’m a GP
Anita Raja is a member of:
About Me:
I am a GP my husband is a hospital doctor . We live in Birmingham. We have two sons aged 8 and 1 . We love traveling , reading books and doing outdoor activities together . I do alot of media work , I work for a Channel called British Muslim TV on sky 752 . I love dancing to Bollywood tunes . I am half Pakistani half Persian . Born and bred in Germany . I speak 5 languages. I love dogs .
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a Birmingham based GP.I do a lot of media work and I absolutely love it !
My Typical Day:
I wake up at 7 am have a cup of coffee . Wake my son for school . Make him breakfast and get him ready . Then I get ready myself and we set off for school then work . I get to work by 8:45 get settled by 9am and start my clinic till 12 then I have a one hour break . I try to utilise it to have a quick snack , catchup with my colleagues . Then I start my shift at 1 and finish work at 4. I pick my son from school . We spend the rest of the day doing home work , cooking and reading together . I love my boys. 🙂
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My boys
My 8 year old loves reading David Wailliam books we just finished reading Megamonster . We have started reading Gangsta Granny now . It so funny. My baby who is 1 keeps us busy also . Sometime we just have to sit and watch nursery rhymes together .
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Warm , welcoming and uninhibited
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I used to love Britney speakers , Linkin Park , the cranberries , backstreet boys , Cher .
What's your favourite food?
I love Beef steaks well done ( yuck I can’t stand the sight of bloody on my plate !!!)
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be an actress . My parents were very strict they didn’t allow me to choose that as my career path 🙁
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Oh yes always ! I was the teenager with lots of piercings and tattoos . My teachers thought I was a bit of a rebel :p
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
The best thing I have done is completing medicine and then doing GP training . It gives me the flexibility I need . Also pays for a comfortable life .
What or who inspired you to do your job?
I didn’t want to do medicine as a child . I had no option as I had strict parents . Yet , I loved it once I started it . I was inspired my Doctor Who ( that’s right !!! )
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
I would have been an actress somewhere in Los Angeles partying with Adele ( I wish ) .
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) to never age
2) to be content and grateful always
3) health for my loved ones , would never want to see them suffering.
Tell us a joke.
Omg ! I so not GOOD at this . I will need to ask my 8yr old :p