
Danielle Siberry
Curriculum Vitae
I stayed in school until i was 18. I chose English, maths, biology, chemistry, history and music. At school music and history were my favourite subjects.
I went to uni at 18 – Glasgow Caledonian Uni.
Since i qualified i have been back to uni to do a mentorship course to teach student nurses. I have also done ongpong training in all areas of nursing.
Everyday i learn something new. The human body is an amazing thing.
Work History:
Staff nurse – trauma at qmc for 4 years.
Staff nurse – elective orthopaedics 6 years.
Deputy ward sister – elective orthopaedics for 2 years.
Practice nurse from march 2020 until now 🎉
Current Job:
Practice nurse.
University of Nottingham Health Service.
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About Me:
Hi I’m Danielle. I live with my partner and 2 children who are 4 and 7 years old. I’m a practice nurse 👩⚕️ i love going to concerts in my spare time.
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I grew up in Glasgow and went to uni there. When i was 21 i moved down to Nottingham and got my first staff nurse job.
I love being outdoors, going for a walk in the woods is my favourite thing to do at the weekend. I love my family and friends. I have 2 young children so i spend most of my spare time building dens in the woods , painting with them, baking and going on adventures.
I am also training to be a scout leader ❤️
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a practice nurse, i see all ages from babies to elderly patients. I have a big interest in wounds and contraception.
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When i first finished uni worked in the hospital on a trauma ward in orthopaedics ( bones and joints). I learned lots of skills here.
I would get patients ready to go down to theatre for operations and look after them when they came back on the ward. Sometimes patients need help to wash and get dressed, even to brush their teeth. I would make sure they were not in pain by giving them regular pain relief and help them to walk. It was also my job to look after their wounds and make sure they heal properly. I got to know the patients and their family and it was always great seeing them well again and getting home.
I now work in general practice. I see babies to give them their immunisations, do travel consultations. Sometimes if people are going to certain countries they will need extra vaccines to keep them safe from diseases in those countries. I also do blood tests, wound care and lots of birth control.
My Typical Day:
I get up at 7am, have my breakfast – usually fruit and yoghurt. I start work at 8am, we always stop for a coffee break at 11am and all of the nurses chat about their morning so far. Then it’s back to work until lunch at 1. After lunch i sometimes do a vaccination clinic. I finish work at 4.30 and go home tp take my daughter to her after school clubs.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Outdoorsy, fun loving nurse ❤️
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Sam fender, oasis, gerry cinnamon, stereophonics, ed sheeran and pink!
What's your favourite food?
I love indian food, chicken tikka is my favourite 🥰
What did you want to be after you left school?
I always wanted to be a nurse from thr age of 14. My mum didnt keep well when i was growing up and i lookee after her.
One time my mum was in hospital, a nurse was helping an elderly lady who was a bit mixed up. She held her hand and said ‘ come on molly lets get you a wee cup of tea’. The old lady gave the nurse a cuddle and said that sounds good. It’s then i knew this is definitely the right job for me.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was pretty good in school, i once got detention for wearing the wrong style of tshirt… But thats as bad as i got. I liked being good and tried hard at school.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
I think the best thing is thinking back to all the people i have helped over the years. Sometimes all they needed was a listening ear, sometimes a hug or someone to have a voice for them when they were too unwell to do it themselves.
What or who inspired you to do your job?
I looked after my mum from the age of 12, she has epilepsy and had regular seizures in front of me. It was just me, my mum and my younger brother. I seen how the nurses looked after my mum and the other patients and knew i wanted to do that. I wanted to be the one to help people through hard times.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
If i wasn’t a nurse i think i would be a nursery/ reception teacher.. I love children and seeing the magic in their hearts when they get excited about new things.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To become an advanced nurse practicioner.
To buy my first house.
To travel the world with my kids.
Tell us a joke.
What wobbles in the sky??
A jellycopter
Yes, that is a peppa pig joke because i’m that cool.