
Emma Swearman
Curriculum Vitae
BSC Coaching and Sport Science
AQA Health Coaching
Level 3 Personal training
Sport coaching qualifications (Netball & Tai Chi)
Mental health First Aid
Edward Jenner Award
Work History:
2 years Health & Wellbeing coaching for the national diabetes prevention programme.
Came into Primary Care and have been a Health & Wellbeing Coach for the University Of Nottingham Health Service since September 2020
Current Job:
Health and Wellbeing Coach
University of Nottingham Health Service – Health & Wellbeing Team
Emma Swearman is a member of:
About Me:
I am originally from Leeds, but moved to Nottingham for University. I now live with my Boyfriend in Mansfield, a stones throw from Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood’s Tree. I love being active and outside in nature, whether that’s going for bike rides to Sherwood Pines, or Kayaking in the River Trent or going for a run round Wollaton Park.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I’m a Health & Wellbeing coach. My role involves clinics for lifestyle coaching tailored to individual needs and running a range of wellbeing groups for patients and staff.
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My Typical Day:
I wake up at 6:30am, get ready for work and leave at 7:30. When I get to work I either do appointments where I see patients and help them to set goals and make changes to their lifestyle to improve their physical and mental health. Or I do group sessions where I go for walks, gardening, Tai Chi or other exercise classes with patients. I either exercise at lunchtime before my lunch or when I finish work I go to the gym or to my dancing class. I then go home, have dinner and then relax with my boyfriend.
Quick Fire Questions
What's your favourite food?
Anything spicy!
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
I would love to be a wedding planner.