
Jess Li
Curriculum Vitae
University of Sheffield, University of Nottingham
Collyer’s 6th Form, Millais school in Horsham, W Sussex
Medicine degree, diploma sexual health, pharmacy degree
Work History:
Currently at a GP practice in Bilborough, Nottingham
Prior to that 5 years training in a GP practice in Nottingham city centre and placements in the hospitals in Nottingham
Current Job:
GP fellow (which means I’m a GP doing a project also)
Bilborough, Nottingham
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About Me:
I’m a mum to 2 little cheeky rascals! I am a newly qualified GP. I love spending time with my kids, the great outdoors and have recently taken up swimming and cycling, which I’ve not done in years.
My Work:
My special interest in GP land is contraception and sexual health, of which I am in the process of setting up a local service.
My Typical Day:
Usually a mad morning rush to get me and kids ready for school and work on time! I get to work for 845 and it’s busy seeing patients all day through to 530 when I have to leave to fetch the kids from after school club.
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On my working days, I have to get the kids ready for school and me ready for work. I get to work for 845 and it’s pretty much non stop of seeing patients, looking at results and letters and sorting tasks from other healthcare professionals. I like to squeeze in a quick coffee break so I can chat with my colleagues otherwise the day can feel quite lonely! Some days I have to leave bang on 530 so that I can get the kids from after school club. And once home, again a mad rush! Of sorting dinner, homework, reading, bath time. Once they are in bed by 9 ish, then I can finally relax a bit and talk to my husband! But sadly a lot of the time is also spent doing boring stuff such as pay bills, reply emails and even logging into the work system to catch up.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Smiley, caring doctor
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Too embarrassing! Anything that’s on the radio I will bop along to! The usual Ed Sheeran, Adele and also stuff from the 80s and 90s, which you are all too young to know!
What's your favourite food?
Food is my great pleasure! Anything!
Fish and chips, Dim Sum, Thai, Italian…
What did you want to be after you left school?
A doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Once I think for taking too many chocolate bars into school!
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Pushing myself and testing my limits. I decided to switch from a career in pharmacy to medicine. Very scary time and I wasn’t confident but it turned out to be the best decision. So glad I went for it!
What or who inspired you to do your job?
Professor Winston – from Child of Our Time documentary
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Food tester!
Hotel tester!
Luxury holidays tester!
You get the jist!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
My kids grow up happy and healthy.
All the people dearest to me stay happy and healthy.
That I continue to enjoy and love the work I do. Oh and good health and happiness for me too (is that too greedy?!)
Tell us a joke.
Why are footballers messy eaters?
Because they dribble!
(From my football mad little boy!)