
Karen Fearn
Curriculum Vitae
A levels at a 6th form college then medical school in Nottingham and post graduate qualifications in general practice, family planning and gynaecology.
B med sci (taken at Nottingham after you preclinical training)
BM BS – bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery.
DFFP diploma of faculty of family planning
DRCOG diploma of royal college of obstetrics and gynaecology
MRCGP member of royal college of general practitioners.
Work History:
I did my junior house officer year at Nottingham city hosp and derby hospital
I did my VTS (GP training) in Lincoln
I worked as a salaried GP in Birmingham for 3 yrs, then in rural Lincolnshire for 3yrs. I was a partner in Lincolnshire for 4 yrs and then moved to my present practice 7yrs ago where I am now senior partner.
6 months ago I took on the post of deputy clinical director of the Newark PCN (primary care network) -
Current Job:
Senior partner at a general practice 1 day a week (seeing patients and helping to oversee the running of the practice) and my PCN role for 1 day a week (attending meetings and helping to plan some services for the Newark area)
A general practice looking after 8000 patients. We are a team of 7 GPs ( some partners (ie we own the business) and some salaried) 2 Advanced nurse practitioners and 5 nurses and health care assistants and a lot of admin staff.
Karen Fearn is a member of:
About Me:
I am a Gp working in Nottinghamshire.
I am also a mum of 9yr old twins and enjoy the fact that general practice can be very family friendly. I spend my free time gardening and enjoy travelling and walking. -
My Work:
I am a GP partner working in a smaller than average practice with a young team. I have been a GP for about 20yrs. I have recently also taken
on a role as a deputy clinical director for a Primary Care Network which is a group of practices working together and managing a budget to provide care for patients.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Part-time GP full-time mum.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Dolly Parton (sorry)
What's your favourite food?
What did you want to be after you left school?
A GP – ta da!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Nope (sorry) unless you count spelling wendyhouse wenclyhouse twice when I was 5!
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Taken control of my career to enable a good work life balance – general practice is flexible like that.
What or who inspired you to do your job?
My best friend wanting to be a GP when I was 11 and working in a GP practice when I was 16-18 in my summer holidays. Then realising at 17 that there was nothing else I could imagine doing for 40yrs without getting bored.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To go back in time and make more of the variety of roles general practice has to offer.
To make the most of my children’s childhood.
To go travelling for a year as a family.Tell us a joke.
What do you get if you throw a blue ball into red water? A wet ball