
Leanne Horsley
Curriculum Vitae
I did my GCSE’s at Frederick Gents School in Derbyshire and got all C’s and above.
I studied for my A-levels at Ashfield Comprehensive 6th Form and initially studied Art, French, Biology and Health and Social Care but I quickly realised I wouldn’t get the grades I needed in Art and French for university! So I dropped them and completed a Psychology A-level instead.
I’ve listed my university qualifications below.
BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from the Manchester Metropolitan Uniuversity 2007-2010
MSc in Advancing Physiotherapy from Sheffield Hallam University 2019
Work History:
Sherwood Forest Hospitals 2014 – Now
Bradford Teaching Hospitals Dec’ 2011 – 2014
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust March – Dec’ 2011
Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals 2010 -2011
Current Job:
ICCU Specialist Physiotherapist amongst other things.
I’m currently seconded into a different role, but usually I work on Intensive Care Providing Specialist Physiotherapy in the form of rehabilitation and Chest Physio to our sickest patients.
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About Me:
My name is Leanne, I’m a Physiotherapist at Sherwood Forest Hospitals where I’ve worked since 2014.
My Work:
I’ve been a Physio since 2010 and have worked in a range of areas including; intensive care, stroke wards, elderly rehabilitation wards, out in the community in patient’s houses and in GP practices. My job has been varied, I’ve worked with both adults and children and have even ran exercise rehabilitation classes in community centres for patients that have had cardiac arrests.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
tea-making physiotherapist
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The Arctic Monkeys
What's your favourite food?
Thai Food
What did you want to be after you left school?
When I left school I wanted to work in the travel industry as a children’s entertainer and speak lots of different languages! (The problem was that I was terrible at languages!)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, I was pretty good at school. Though I did get kicked out of a Maths lesson once (and only once!) for passing notes on expensive graph paper! Ooops.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
The best thing I have ever done, is a hugged a patient that came back to see us after he left intensive care. He was a patient with us for over 100 days and we didn’t know if he would survive. He came walking back in, hugged me and thanked me for always being silly and making him laugh by ‘being so normal’.
What or who inspired you to do your job?
My Dad. He was injured in a mining accident before I was born and lost his left leg from the knee down, I’ve never known him any other way. My entire life he has been able to walk, run, drive and represents England in the Disabled golf Association. He always told me he could do all these things because of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists and he can list their names, even after 35 years. That’s how life changing jobs like mine are and that’s what inspires me.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
I’m quite creative, so perhaps something like interior design? Whilst I was studying at University I ran events for a famous hotel in Manchester and that was pretty fun – so perhaps a big events organiser.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I’d wish that I could see the world, the ENTIRE world. I’m so nosy that I’d love to see what all the other cultures are like – and I’d like to eat their food!
Secondly, I’d wish that my loved ones could just stay really healthy and age naturally and happily.
Thirdly, I’d wish that you could eat chocolate and it would be good for you.
Tell us a joke.
I borrowed this from a patient….
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field.