
Louise Sinclair
Curriculum Vitae
Louise Sinclair is a member of:
About Me:
I live in a Village close to Newark and enjoy walking in the countryside. I have just taken up Tennis and Ballroom dancing.
My pronouns are:
She her
My Work:
I am a registered nurse and work as the head of care services in a hospice.
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My role is largely managing the care services, catering, housekeeping and admin teams in the hospice.
Looking ahead and planning the development of the services is an important aspect of the role.
Sometimes I work clinically which means I care directly for the patients and families using our services.
My Typical Day:
I am usually at my desk for around 7.20am and finish at 6pm. Although I work fulltime I do this over 4 days. This really helps me with my work to home balance.
My days are varied which makes the role very interesting and stimulating.
I can be meeting with team members, hosting meetings, working on development and planning of services.
My colleague who is the clinical nurse lead and I work closely together on policy development, clinical issues and supporting the clinical team.
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I usually start the day with answering emails. This means answering some straight away with simple answers and other emails will require more work and I would plan this into my diary.
We have a house huddle at 09.15 where most of the team gather for a few minutes to share their priorities for the day. We gain important information such as how many patients are expected, any visitors or contractors expected, key meetings or events planned for the day.
The rest of the day I am following a planned structure which I take from my Outlook diary.
Some of the areas that I also have to be involved in are;
processing accidents and incidents and investigating these
health and safety and fire safety work
maintenance of the building
Planning the budget for the year and contributing to the strategy for the organisation are pieces of work that involve me working closely with the Leadership team who are made up of managers in Human Resources, Finance, Fundraising and Marketing and our CEO.
We need many volunteers to support the work our paid staff do and I am involved in helping to recruit, interview and train the volunteers.
The recruitment of team members is an aspect of my role that i enjoy. From short listing to interviewing and appointing.
I then deliver the induction training for staff which means i get to know them from the very beginning of their involvement with the hospice.
Ensuing the quality of the services we deliver is an important part of my work. This includes audit, policies and procedures, training, feedback from patients and their families and much more!
So as you can see the role is very varied and it doesn’t always go to plan. You have to adapt to situations and deal with issues that crop up such as staff sickness.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Hospice nurse & manager
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Cold Play
What's your favourite food?
Vegetarian food
What did you want to be after you left school?
A nurse!!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
The best moments are when you really make a difference to people.
This has mostly been when caring directly for people, helping them, making their experience the best it can be.
What or who inspired you to do your job?
I cannot say where my desire to be a nurse came from – it was always there. Perhaps the death of a close relative when I was young….
I have been inspired by some wonderful nurses.