
Michele Tuttle
Curriculum Vitae
Public School – 6 O’Levels
HND from secretarial college
A level in Sociology
Not overly educated but I have an abundance of common sense and experience!
Work History:
Rolls-Royce – Office Manager
Lots of different project roles within the NHS
I’ve also worked in law, accountancy and insurance
Current Job:
Care Project Officer
Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub
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About Me:
Wife, Mum, Nanna who loves being in her campervan in the middle of a field with our dog and friends.
I was brought up in Kenya and spent 6 years at boarding school – not my happiest time!
My Work:
I’m a Care Project Officer focusing on training and recruitment solutions for care homes and home care providers.
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I’m a Care Project Officer with the Notts Alliance Training Hub. The focus of my work is around social care – care homes and domiciliary care. We work with care homes and home care providers to put university students, ie student nurses, paramedics, occupational therapists and physiotherapists into placements within the homes. This gives the students an invaluable insight into the issues in social care and gives them skills to take into their job once they qualify. I also help social care providers to secure funding for apprenticeships, these can range from L2 carers right up to Masters Degrees.
Alongside this I deliver training into care homes around preparation from Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT). MDTs are groups of healthcare providers and carers that come together to discuss concerns they have about people they care for and agree on the best care for them.
Over the past year I’ve also worked as a non-clinical vaccinator delivering Covid vaccinations to people in Nottinghamshire from vaccination centres, the roving bus and going into care homes.
My Typical Day:
My day generally starts around 7am as I generally work from home. I spend a lot of time on MS Teams or Zoom meetings with colleagues and social care providers. I try to make sure I get out at lunchtime to take my dog for a walk – working at home means I spend far too much time sitting down! I generally finish my day around 4pm.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Fun, organised, caring
What's your favourite food?
Anything spicy! Nothing compares to a good curry
What did you want to be after you left school?
A chef. I still love to cook but I’m glad I’m doing what I do now.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was a little mischievous at times!
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Organising a family fun day for colleagues to raise money for a charity that provides experiences for terminally ill children. I hope the £3,000 made a huge difference to them all.
I’m lucky to have enjoyed so many of my jobs – my current role is my perfect job. I love that what I do helps our elderly population live more comfortably in their own homes.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Hopefully retired living somewhere remote and sunny
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To be slim because my weight is now affecting my health
To spend more time than I’ve been able to over the past year with my family
To live somewhere hot, sunny and remote – this one doesn’t gel well with Wish 2 though!