
Onyinye Okonkwo
Curriculum Vitae
Current Job:
GP Partner
Wand Medical centre
15 Frank Street
Onyinye Okonkwo is a member of:
About Me:
I live in Birmingham , UK with my husband and son who is in Medical school . I love watching TV series especially medical drama . I am Pentecostal Christian.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am the senior Partner at Wand Medical Centre in Birmingham . I lead the EDI (BAME) staff Network for General Practice Staff and Allies that work in Birmingham and Solihull.
My Typical Day:
I wake up, do my devotions , I work out -dancing usually, get to work around 8.30am. , see patients, have meetings , Lunch can be a luxury , teach tutorials somedays and get home around 8pm.
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I have a portfolio career so my day varies. I work 3 days a week at the surgery . My day is a mix of seeing my patients, attending various meetings – staff meetings with people I work with, finance meeting with my partner and practice manager to make sure we are making enoguh money to pay our bills, I teach medical students years 1 and 5 and also doctors who want to be GPs so sometimes I teach and have tutorials. I also do a lot of womens health so sometimes I am running clinics discussing that with ladies. I also get to supervise other members of my team like the First contact physiotherapist who deals with patients that have joint problems, pharmacists who look after medicines for our patients, our paramedic who sees patients with us.
The other 2 days of the week, I work for the CCG – I represent GPs on a few meetings like the Medicines Management team where we discuss medicines and management , I sit on the health inequalities board for our new integrated care system, I lead the EDI network for General Practice Staff and Allies , I examine for the Royal College Of General Practitioners at a local faculty level for doctors training to be GPs – practise sessions and also for the Royal college of GP exit exams to become GPs . I also examine for the medical school Year 5 OSCEs and Health Education England for doctors trying to settle and work in England from Europe and other countries or doctors who have taken a career break and trying to come back to work as GPs.
I love a varied day, keeps life interesting and fun and I am never quite sure what happens next.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Enthusiastic, caring and hard working
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Travis Greene.
What's your favourite food?
Isi ewu (google it)
What did you want to be after you left school?
A doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Actually no, too busy being goody two shoe.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Become a voice for Ethnic minorities as the Clinical Lead for the network
What or who inspired you to do your job?
my dad worked a sceretary for our medical school and all my after school was spent at the hospital and I loved seeing all the hustle and patients , I was very nosy going round the wards and bothering everyone.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
a dancer or singer – I think??
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Win lots of money in Premium bonds
Tell us a joke.
knock knock – sorry, not really funny