
Rabia Khan
Curriculum Vitae
Rabia Khan is a member of:
About Me:
I am a mom of 3 children, a GP trainee, and an avid reader. My husband is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and we love cooking together over the weekend. I love baking and that is my stress relieving activity. I am a Pakistani who loves cricket, BBQ, sun and the beach.
My Work:
I am in second year of my GP training. I am in the West Midlands Deanery, and am a South Worcester AiT Representative for the RCGP Midlands Faculty.
My Typical Day:
I wake up at 5am most days to bid goodbye to my husband as he leaves for Oxford where he works. I then wake my children up so that we can leave the house for their breakfast clubs at 730am. I then drive one hour to my GP training surgery to start my day at 845am where I make telephone calls to patients or call them up to the surgery to see them in person or go see them in their homes. I try to take a few minutes off the screen to have my lunch or a coffee break. In case I need help with a patient, I always have my supervisor to help me out. My day ends around 4pm and then I drive back to pick my children up from their afterschool clubs.
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I wake up at 5am most days to bid goodbye to my husband as he leaves for Oxford where he works. I then wake my children up so that we can leave the house for their breakfast clubs at 730am. I then drive one hour to my GP training surgery to start my day at 845am where I make telephone calls to patients or call them up to the surgery to see them in person or go see them in their homes. I try to take a few minutes off the screen to have my lunch or a coffee break. In case I need help with a patient, I always have my supervisor to help me out. My day ends around 4pm and then I drive back to pick my children up from their afterschool clubs. My day usually ends at 9pm after putting my kids to sleep and chatting with my mom over watsapp video.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
friendly adventurous doctor
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Richard Marx
What's your favourite food?
Any kind of BBQ
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
no, I was always a very focused hardworking conscientious child
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Baking …would have opened my own cafe