Question: if you are in trouble and ur a nurse will you need to have another nurse assist you (like if you snap your leg off) or could you do it yourself?
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Asked by 739prmb35 to Riverside Surgery, Kerry - HCA, Hampton Surgery on 16 Jan 2019.Question: if you are in trouble and ur a nurse will you need to have another nurse assist you (like if you snap your leg off) or could you do it yourself?
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739prmb35 commented on :
thank u so much 🙂
Amelia - GP commented on :
One of the most important things in working in the NHS is knowing when you need help and being able to ask for it. If someone in the NHS snapped their leg off they may be tempted to deal with it on their own but all the people around them would realise they needed support and offer some crutches and a new leg.