0 Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy working in healthcare? Keywords: enjoy, healthcare, opinion Asked by 783prmb28 to Kerry - HCA on 27 Jan 2019.
Kerry Haworth answered on 27 Jan 2019:
11!!! I love working in healthcare and believe it is an absolute privilege to care for people at their most vulnerable. The public and professionals I meet fascinate me and no two days are the same, always learning together and from others.
Hampton Surgery commented on 28 Jan 2019:
9- love it. Can’t imagine doing anything else. Kirsty
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Tarik - Dentist commented on 8 Feb 2019:
10 best part of the job
Hampton Surgery commented on :
9- love it. Can’t imagine doing anything else. Kirsty
Tarik - Dentist commented on :
10 best part of the job