I have studied lots of modules, ranging from medication management, Leadership, Acute illness, Long Term Conditions, ethics, research. I love to learn and if I am not learning or studying academically, I am learning in a clinical environment.
Rosie (Physio student) – I am currently studying Physiotherapy as it is a lot of fun! We complete 30 weeks of placements working with real patients. To get to university I had to study a science at A-level and get 5 GCSE’s
East Sussex CITS commented on :
Rosie (Physio student) – I am currently studying Physiotherapy as it is a lot of fun! We complete 30 weeks of placements working with real patients. To get to university I had to study a science at A-level and get 5 GCSE’s
Hampton Surgery commented on :
My last course was onleg ulcers but I mgoing to an update about asthma later today.