• Question: What would you first do if you were in space regarding wanting to be a astronaut if you weren't a doctor?

    Asked by Kevin to Tarik - Dentist, CLICK Federation, Amelia - GP on 22 Jan 2019.
    • Photo: Amelia Randle

      Amelia Randle answered on 22 Jan 2019:

      Good question! The best thing about being a doctor is that you can do it in lots of different settings so I’d probably try to be a space doctor and specialise in illnesses that happen to people who spend a lot of time in space.
      When I first said I wanted to be a doctor my school tried to put me off saying it was a ‘vocational’ career – meaning it was a bad thing that I’d be stuck doing one thing for my whole career. They couldn’t have been more wrong about that. Working in the NHS in whatever role is completely varied and there’s a type of job to suit every different skill and personality.
