• Question: What would you spend the money on?

    Asked by Parry P Penson to Tarik - Dentist, Riverside Surgery, Kerry - HCA, Hampton Surgery, East Sussex CITS, CLICK Federation, Amelia - GP on 21 Jan 2019. This question was also asked by 832prmb44, Amy.
    • Photo: Kerry Haworth

      Kerry Haworth answered on 21 Jan 2019:

      If I was to be fortunate enough to win the prize money I would spend it on my community and raise awareness and encourage children into healthcare roles found within the NHS.

      Firstly I would like to go into schools and enable the youth of today to be trained in Basic Life Support, I would take great pride in teaching them and enabling them to save lives with the suppport of professionals whilst educating them on the roles found within the NHS in hope of them working in healthcare roles in the future.

      I would also like to educate the youth of today on being healthy, physically, psychologically, socially, environmentally. I want to provide them with the knowledge and support I believe will encourage them in achieving and stepping into healthcare roles theirselves.
