Catherine Harrison
About Me:
GP Partner at Tuxford Medical Centre
My Work:
GP Doctor, full time
Latest Question:
Do you drive if so what do you drive -
Philippa Horner
About Me:
I was born and brought up on the Wirral and now live and work in the East Midlands.
My Work:
I am currently a Foundation Year 2 doctor working in paediatrics, aspiring to be a GP.
Latest Question:
What is the most challenging element of your job? -
Nicola Hickman
About Me:
I live just outside Chesterfield with my husband, three daughters, Border Collie and the most recent additions to our family….two rabbits!
My Work:
I’m doing a job I never knew existed when I was at school!
Latest Question:
is it stressful running things? -
Jo & Lucy Arthurs / Clayton
About Me:
We are GP registrars (which means we are in our final year of GP training) and work together at a GP practice in Kegworth. We both love food, sports and holidays!
My Work:
We work as GPs 5 days a week, but still have time out to attend teaching sessions.
Latest Question:
do you plenty of money -
Jamie Hynes
About Me:
My intro video from 2018 (above) – still makes me laugh!
My Work:
I work as a GP 3 and a half days a week, as well as a Training Programme Director and Vice Chair of our local Faculty.
Latest Question:
What is the most important part of the job for you? -
Gail Allsopp
About Me:
I’m a GP and I love it! It’s a job that lets me treat people and make the well but also means I can do lots of other things too. I teach young medical students and am using lots of exciting techniques working with actors and artists in health rather than just using the science. I also teach fully qualified GPs and travel all over the U.K. and Europe to do this.
My Work:
Amanda Henchliffe
About Me:
really!!! you want to know about me????? Apart from always wanting to be a nurse, I have had experience on both sides of the bed as it were. I had my first heart operation at the age of 4 then after a long illness ( though I worked through most of it) I had a double lung and heart transplant in 2013.
My Work:
I love my work – I never refer to it as a job!
Adil Rashid
About Me:
I’m a fourth year medical student at Nottingham University with an interest in General Practice.
My Work:
4th Year Undergraduate Medical Student at Nottingham University
Latest Question:
what is ur favorite sport