
Adil Rashid
Curriculum Vitae
St Johns the Baptist Primary School 2000-2006, Bushloe High School 2006-2014, Guthlaxton College 2010-2014
12 GCSEs, A Levels (Chemistry, Maths and Biology – AS in Physics), Bachelor of Medical Sciences BMedSci (everyone who goes to Nottingham gets one of theses in addition to their medicine degree)
Work History:
McDonalds during my A Levels and a Student Ambassador at University
Current Job:
Medical Student
About Me:
I’m a fourth year medical student at Nottingham University with an interest in General Practice.
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Being a fan of my hometown’s football team Leicester, Nottingham was seen as one of my rivals! Despite my reservations, Nottingham proved to be an amazing city with so much to offer (and I have to admit I wouldn’t have wanted to go anywhere else)!.
At university I’ve thrown myself into lots of different activities. Being a keen table tennis player I continued this and was able to represent Nottingham University. Although my course keeps me busy, I always make sure I have time to play sports!
Despite not being the best singer or dancer, this academic year I also had an amazing time being in the cast of the Medic’s Musical performance of West Side Story. Check out the photo of me and the rest of the Shark boys backstage!
My Work:
4th Year Undergraduate Medical Student at Nottingham University
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At Nottingham, the first two and half years involve lectures, lab sessions and dissection covering science behind medicine. In third year, you also get the opportunity to complete a research project (mine was on the behaviour of immune cells). The rest of the course is made up of clinical placements across different specialities, in hospitals around the Midlands.
This year, I have completed rotations in psychiatry, obstetrics and gynaecology, dermatology and ophthalmology. It’s been a great opportunity to learn about and experience so many different careers. I’m currently on my GP placement. As medical students, we have our own room where we can take histories from patients and then present them to the GP. What attracts me to General Practice is the variety of patients you meet and not knowing what your next challenge will be.
My Typical Day:
Involves working alongside doctors and other health care professionals.
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I’m currently on my GP placement. As I mentioned before, I am given a room where I have the opportunity to talk to patients about their symptoms and explore what course of action will help them. There’s always a GP on hand who I can ask for help. Being a GP is very exciting as you don’t know who will walk through the door next. Also, as a GP you see patients with a huge variety of different medical and surgical conditions.
During hospital placements, a typical day will involve shadowing the doctor on the ward and helping them with their tasks. In addition, I also have the opportunity to practice history taking and examination skills with patients. Doctors also provide teaching sessions about different conditions and how to treat them.
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Approachable, friendly, sporty
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Chicken Biryani
What did you want to be after you left school?
Doctor (but I wouldn’t have minded being a professional tennis player)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Hate to admit it but I have got a detention for being late
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Help a lady give birth
What or who inspired you to do your job?
There’s wasn’t a specific moment that inspired me but a combination of lots of different experiences. If I had to pick one, it would be my Year 12 experience were I shadowed doctors. It helped me to realise what a privilege it is to help people when they really need it
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Professional tennis player (if I didn’t make it I’d be a maths teacher)
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) I wish my student house would clean itself! 2) I wish I could cook like my grandma 3) I wish that I can be the best doctor than I can be
Tell us a joke.
It’s too much pressure to think of one of the spot but I’ll try my best to give you one on the live chat