
Gail Allsopp
Curriculum Vitae
William crane comprehensive in Nottingham, Birmingham University.
MBChB MRCS MRCGP FRCR1 DRCOG LoCIUT LOCSDI PGCert and I’m now studying for a Masters degree!
Work History:
All over the U.K. Birmingham, London, Edinburgh, Bristol, Nottingham, Derby.
Current Job:
GP in Derbyshire, Academic at University of Nottimgham, clinical specialist at Royal Derby Hospital. Teacher nationally for urgent care.
About Me:
I’m a GP and I love it! It’s a job that lets me treat people and make the well but also means I can do lots of other things too. I teach young medical students and am using lots of exciting techniques working with actors and artists in health rather than just using the science. I also teach fully qualified GPs and travel all over the U.K. and Europe to do this.
My Work:
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Being a GP is amazing. I’ve worked as a surgeon, x-ray doctor and as an actress and i can honestly say that being a GP is the best job in the world. No day is ever the same. Some days i hold peoples hands as they are sad or very ill, the next I’m hugging patients who have had a baby. Sometimes I save lives. That’s something you never forget!
My Typical Day:
Every day is different!
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Monday and Wednesday I see patients. Every 10 minutes someone new comes in. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s hard but always rewarding. Tuesday I work at the University writing courses and teaching students. Thursday I work all over the U.K. and Europe, teaching GPs how best to practice as being a doctor is a job where you have to always be on top of the changes! Friday I work at my local hospital in Derby, seeing really unwell people, but trying really hard to make them well and keep them at home. It’s always different and always amazing!
Quick Fire Questions
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Happy, honest, crazy!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Anything musical! As an actor, I love musical theatre!
What's your favourite food?
Anything with sugar….. so hard not to eat it!
What did you want to be after you left school?
A nurse. One of my teachers told me to reach higher, to aim for the stars….. she changed my life.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not Really. I went to a normal comprehensive school and was bullied terribly though as I was such a good pupil. I didn’t let it stop me though and look where I am now.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Held a beating heart in my hand during a heart operation.
What or who inspired you to do your job?
I had my tonsils out at the age of 5 and loved the nurses. This inspired me and then, because of a school teacher called Mrs Knapman, I chose medicine.
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
An actor.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Be happy, love lots and hurt no one.
Tell us a joke.
I am really bad at jokes, I can never remember the punchline….. what’s brown and sticky? …… A stick! See, I told you…..