
Phil Green
I attended Rushey Mead Secondary School in Leicester and the moved to QE for my sixth form.
I studied biochemistry at Sheffield University for a while before accepting a place to do medicine at Leicester University.
Bachelor or medicine/Bachelor of Surgery with honours (Leicester University 1996) MB ChB
Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DRCOG)
Diploma of Family Planning (DFFP)
Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners (FRCGP)
Member of the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath ME)
Work History:
GP Partner: The Old School Surgery in Kibworth (January 2001-October 2001)
GP Partner, GP Trainer, Primary Care Undergraduate Medical Student Lead The Jubilee Medical practice Syston (October 2001- December 2019)
Salaried GP: The Uppingham Surgery January 2020-July 2021
Clinical Lead for the GP Fellowship Programme: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Training Hub (March 2021-ongoing)
Private GP Spire Leicester Hospital 2012-ongoing).
Spire Leicester Hospital GP Advisor and Clinical Governance Lead
Other/Previous Roles
Clinical Lead for the BUPA Wellness Service (Spire Leicester Hospital)
GP Educator Lead. LLR Clinical Commissioning Group.
GP Advisor for the Bone Cancer Research Trust (voluntary)
GP Advisor/Patient Advocate for Sarcoma Patient EuroNet
GP Representative and Patient Advocate of the National Cancer Research Institute (Sarcoma Subgroup)
Current Job:
Clinical Lead for the GP Fellowship Programme: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Training Hub (March 2021-ongoing)
Private GP Spire Leicester Hospital 2012-ongoing).
Spire Leicester Hospital GP Advisor and Clinical Governance Lead
GP Advisor for the Bone Cancer Research Trust (voluntary)
About Me:
I’m a GP and live with my dog Clementine in North West Leicestershire. I have a gorgeous partner and together, we love hiking, holidays and spending time outdoors. I have travelled the world, worked as a flying doctor in Australia and followed my rugby passion to New Zealand to watch the British and Irish Lions play.
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I’d describe myself as incredibly curious about everything and listen to audiobooks and podcasts on topics as varied as climate change, the way our mind works (neuroscience), the science of compassion, and new concepts about the origins of disease. I also read heaps of fiction and always have a couple of books on the go at any one time.
I love a good debate and I spend hours walking and chatting with my partner about stuff that interests us both including sport (she’s as massive football fan and I love rugby), music (our tastes are very different…with some crossovers!) and topical issues.
I go to loads of gigs (two or three each week before the pandemic) and have a very a very eclectic taste in music.
Cooking is another passion and I love nothing more than to raid the fridge and cupboards and concoct new recipes.
My pronouns are:
My pronouns are he/him but please just call me Phil
My Work:
I’m a portfolio GP having worked as an NHS GP and GP Trainer for 20 years. I now work as a Private GP, Medical Examiner, Clinical Lead for the LLR GP Fellowship Programme, Clinical Governance Lead and GP Advisor for Spire Leicester Hospital.
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I won’t say anything in this section and you’re free to ask me more about my roles and career if you’d like to.
My Typical Day:
All my working days are really variable and often very long.
I’m an early riser, having walked the dog by 8 before settling into work (with a strong coffee or two). I see my patients on Wednesday evenings, all day Fridays and on Saturday mornings. My Medical Examiner role is on a Monday at the Leicester Royal Infirmary and I spend two days working from home on the LLR GP Fellowship Programme.
Some of my spare time is spent working with the Bone Cancer Research Trust, helping them to allocate research grants and offering general advice as a patient advocate and qualified GP.
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Again, I’ll leave this section blank but I’m open to any questions you’d like to ask.