
Adrian Taylor
Curriculum Vitae
Mill Hill School – London, Derby School of Nursing, Nottingham Trent University, The Open University
Registered Mental Health Nurse, BSC(Hons) in Health and Social care, Certificate in Management
Work History:
Poets Corner Public House, Pastures, Kingsway, Belper & Ilkeston Hospitals, The British Red Cross, Maersk Logistics (Bacardi), The Smile Centre Dental Practice and finally The Manor Surgery.
Current Job:
Practice Business Manager
The Manor Surgery – Beeston
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About Me:
Easy going
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Generally a very relaxed and easy going person, it takes a lot to make me angry. I get a buzz out of helping people around me develop and grow, as Richard Branson says “train your staff so they can leave and they will stay”.
Outside of work I am a Rugby coach/manager, presently coaching under 18 boys for county representative level. I also enjoy fishing, but I go for the peace and quiet rather than to catch. I have three Cocker Spaniels, so normally have to walk them after work each day.
My Work:
Jack of all trades master of none, Practice Managers do everything from customer care to finances & wages. A shoulder to cry on or dealing with human resources. But could find me under a sink fixing a leak or in a high powered meeting making sure the local Practices voices are heard.
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I’ve had a very varied career, starting as a bar person where I learnt the importance of customer service (look after your customer and your tip jar will over flow). To Mental Health Nurse, where I learnt how not to manage your staff from some miserable bosses, then into the Voluntary sector providing services in the Community, building up a National Community Equipment Loans Service. Then spent a couple of years in the Private sector managing a goods inward service for Bacardi, before going back into the Health service as a Practice Business Manager at an NHS/private Dental Practice. The last six years have been spent as a GP Practice Manager, which have been great fun. Focussing on good communication within the team and the GPs, and building up resilience within the local CCG. This involves having similar systems and working practices, so if one practice needs help we can all step in to support them. Most recently I am the Primary Care Network Covid lead, so responsible for the vaccination program being carried out in Nottingham West’s 12 GP Practices
My Typical Day:
No such thing
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No such thing, well almost, I start at 8am by helping reception deal with the on the day telephone bookings (best way to know how the day will go), then its emails, reports and letters. Check the GPs are ok and running fairly to time, if late make sure patients are aware, helps prevent complaints. Check all the staff are OK and help if required. Do the accounts, a little and often makes life so much easier. Then after lunch its either meetings or admin (never put off to tomorrow what you can do today). Home time is around 4pm as try to beat the traffic, but at least twice a month its evening meeting either with the GP partners or the Patient Participation Group.
Quick Fire Questions
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Vegetable Curry
What did you want to be after you left school?
Computer scientist (boy that was a mistake)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
yes frequently
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Changed the way service are delivered to suit the patient rather than the system
What or who inspired you to do your job?
My ex girlfriend at the time
If you weren't in healthcare, what job would you do?
Pub Landlord or Chef
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Win 250K on lottery (thats enough to pay the mortgage, nice holiday and a new car), Be 21 again and know what i know now. Go into space, so maybe need the first to be 250 million
Tell us a joke.
Whats Green and goes red at a flick of a switch, Kermit in a liquidiser