Supported by Nottinghamshire Alliance of Training Hubs, Lincolnshire Training Hub, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Training Hub, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Training Hub, Health Education Derbyshire Training Hub
affordable care for all and we can still do so much with proactive care so instead of only curing the problem, we can start helping/educate people to improve their life and prevent their deterioration
I thought the job looked good. I wanted a job where I thought I could help people. I’m not clinical so I don’t see patients, but I hope I feel like I am making a difference to staff working in primary care.
When I say the job advertised I thought I had the right skills and knowledge for the job
I wanted a job where I could help people, and it was obvious that my skills were more management and less practical – I was never going to be a good firefighter, for example!
Also, the NHS gradaute scheme offered a good further qualification at the time, and that helped. The pay is reasonable, the holiday allowances are good, and I have stayed in the NHS for about 20 years now because I enjoy the work and like most of the people I meet.
I chose to work for the NHS after a career of 25 years in Food Safety and 10 years in Health and Wellness. I wanted to make a difference with the Business skills I had developed in my previous roles and help put right some of the issues I had seen as a care worker