Supported by Nottinghamshire Alliance of Training Hubs, Lincolnshire Training Hub, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Training Hub, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Training Hub, Health Education Derbyshire Training Hub
If you want to look at salaries – google Agenda for Change pay bands. These will show the range of salaries staff have in the NHS. Not every organisation uses those pay bands but they are a good indication. Doctors get paid a different pay level.
As a nurse, salaries can vary greatly. For instance nurses who work in a hospital will be paid on agenda for change and it would depend on their experience and how long they have been qualified however a nurse working in a GP surgery may be paid different amounts as it would depend on what the GP surgery offers as they are not usually paid under agenda for change.
This can vary a lot. Not all income comes from “salary”. Out of hours (111 work), locum work is variable income which can change month to month. Essentially, the more work you want to do the more you can earn.