
Adam Mulla
Loughborough Grammar School 1999-2006
University of Birmingham Medical School 2006-2012 (one year doing my intercalated degree)
Work History:
Foundation Year Doctor 2012-2014
GP trainee 2014-2017
GP since 2017
Current Job:
Portfolio GP – Leicester
Clinical Lead – Leicester Leicestershire Rutland (LLR) Training Hub
Programme Director – Leicester GP Training Programme (Health Education England)
GP Educator – University of Leicester Medical School
As above
About Me:
I am a GP in Leicester. I love spending time with my family and watching/playing football.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
Portfolio GP – Leicester
Clinical Lead – Leicester Leicestershire Rutland (LLR) Training Hub
Programme Director – Leicester GP Training Programme (Health Education England)
GP Educator – University of Leicester Medical School
My Typical Day:
I have a varied working week. I am normally up by 7am with most of jobs starting at 8.30/9am and finishing by 5/5.30pm. For some of my roles I get to work from home, otherwise I am normally at the GP surgery or at the medical school.
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For my days at the University of Leicester Medical School, I teach Year 1 and Year 2 medical students on the CHDD course. I am also an examiner for all years (both OSCEs and written papers).
At the GP surgery, I see patients – my day is split into a morning and an afternoon session. Patients come in with a variety of issues which I have to diagnose and management. There is associated paperwork and test results that I have to review. I also supervise and teach year 3 and 5 medical students at the surgery. I also attend various meetings.
For my Training Programme Director day, this consists of meetings and teaching the GP trainees.
I work from home for my LLR Training Hub role – this is varied work, involving meetings and emails.