
Jane Thorpe
University of Derby
Coventry Technical college
University of Hull
High school
Primary school
BTEC professional diploma – Clinical Pharmacy Technicians
BTEC level 3 – Pharmaceutical Sciences
BSc Chemistry with Drug design and toxicology
A Levels – Chemistry, Biology and French
GCSE – 9 subjects
Work History:
Trainee Pharmacy Technician – Leicester Royal infirmary
Pharmacy Technician (Aseptic services) – Leicester Royal infirmary
Pharmacy Technician (Clinical Trials) – Leicester Royal infirmary
Senior Pharmacy Technician (shift working) – Derby City General Hospital
Lead Pharmacy Technician (Chemotherapy) – Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham
Lead Pharmacy Technician (AMU satellite) – Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham
Medicines Management Pharmacy Technician – Derby City Primary care trust
GP practice Pharmacy Technician – Haven Medical Centre, Derby.
Current Job:
Pharmacy Technician Ambassador – Health Education Derbyshire training hub
GP Pharmacy Technician – Aspiro Healthcare Ltd.
GP practices
About Me:
I live with my husband and two boys in Derby. I am a Pharmacy Technician in a GP practice. In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit, cooking, and baking, but you can usually find me on the side-lines of a football pitch watching my boys!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work as a Pharmacy Technician in GP practices across Derby and the Pharmacy Technician Ambassador for a Health Education England training hub. I have also worked in hospital and the ICB in various roles as a Pharmacy Technician.
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In my role as Pharmacy Technician Ambassador I help GP practices recruit trainee Pharmacy Technicians on an apprenticeship.
My Typical Day:
I get to work at 9am, we have 5 different sites so it varies where I am based. I look at medication queries from patients and help other members of staff (GPs, nurses, receptionists) with any medication related queries they have. Later on I will look at letters from hospital admissions and clinic appointments and make the necessary changes to medications in patient records.
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Some queries are around accessibility to medicines, so making sure we issue them correctly when they are requested in the right quantities. I also make sure that the prescribing is safe, so I look at the monitoring requirements for drugs and make sure the patients have had bloods tests, blood pressures and other observations done before issuing medication.