
Amy Yeoman
I went to Murray Park Secondary School
I then went on to do a Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care at college.
I went to the University of Nottingham and did my degree in Adult Nursing.
I then went onto complete a Post graduate certificate in Practice Nursing.
I am currently completing a Level 6 diploma in Diabetes.
I got grade C’s in English, Maths and Science at school
I got a three Distinction * In Health and Social Care
I got a 2:1 in my degree at University in Adult Nursing.
I got a Merit in my Post graduate certificate in Practice Nursing
Work History:
When I left school and was at college I worked part time at McDonalds!
When I was at Uni I started working for a care agency on the wards, part time, as a Health-Care assistant.
When I qualified as a Nurse I worked on a Medical Assessment Unit for one year.
After a year I worked at a GP surgery in Nottingham, full time whilst doing my Practice Nurse training.
I now work for a different GP practice Part time where I am undertaking further training in Diabetes. I also work part-time for Health Education Derbyshire where I am working to provide training and education for Nurses in Derbyshire.
Current Job:
My current job is as a Practice Nurse at a GP surgery.
I am based in a GP surgery.
About Me:
I live alone with my two cats Elvis and Thea.
I work as a Practice Nurse in a Doctors Surgery. My hobbies include socialising with my family and friends and I have a severe shopping addiction!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a Practice Nurse in a doctors surgery. I work with a variety of different age ranges from birth- 100+!
My Typical Day:
I start work at 8am, I usually run late in the mornings so no time for breakfast at home!
My clinic will start at 08:10 and will finish in the morning around 12.
I then have lunch and my clinic starts again for the afternoon at 1pm.
I finish work at 4pm.
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My typical day would include waking up at 6.30am and leaving for work at 7:15am.
I start work at 8am and my morning clinic starts ay 8.10am.
My morning clinic is usually very varied and can include a variety of different appointments including; Childhood immunisations, wound care, cervical screening and Long-term Condition reviews mostly including Diabetes.
I then finish my morning clinic at around 11:40am and spend time doing some admin work including any referrals which need doing for my patients or tasks which may have come up throughout the morning.
I then have my lunch at around 12:30 until 1.10pm.
After Lunch my clinic restarts for the afternoon session.
I then finish work at 4pm.