
James Waldron
Secondary School – Southampton – Gregg School
– GCSEs in Triple Science, History and Drama
College – Winchester – Peter Symonds
– A levels – Performance Studies, Psychology, Chemistry, Biology
University of Nottingham – Undergraduate
Nottingham Deanery – GP Training
University of Nottingham – Post Graduate in Medical Education
BMBS (Medical Degree)
MRCGP (GP qualification)
Work History:
Tanazania – Elective
QMC – F1
Lincoln Hospital – F2
GP Training – Nottingham
HEE Fellowship – Nottingham
Lots of different Jobs – Nottingham
Current Job:
Salaried GP – Parkside Medical Practice – Nottingham
Portfolio GP
RCGP First 5 Lead for Vale of Trent
GP Notebook Educator and Podcaster
NATH Associate GP
Phoenix Programme Educator
I work in Bulwell which is a town on the outskirts of Nottingham City. I also work with the Training Hub which is near QMC.
About Me:
I’m James, a GP, an Educator, Extraverted, Excitable and Enthusiastic. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories and finding new ways of doing things and pushing boundaries..
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I’m originally from Southampton but came to Nottingham for Uni and loved it so stayed!
I always aim to bring a bit of myself and personality into everything I do and can never sit still for long. I try and bring my energy to the people I meet to contribute to a team. I’m not very organised though and can be quite scatty but because of not having to stick to plans I can adapt really quickly.
I think a lot of people think doctors are quite serious, I’m anything but that 🙂 and love having conversations with everyone about almost everything.
I have travelled quite a lot, last year going up to the Himalayas where we hoped to climb Everest Base Camp! In my time I’ve been to 50 countries (I would definitely recommend a gap year!)
Music is a big part of my life, I play the violin in the Notts Symphony Orchestra, I play bass and have done in lots of different bands including, blues rock, jazz and death metal 😀 \m/ and I am guitar mad. I have 16 now including 2 I made myself! I enjoy seeing music too and go to several music festivals a year if I can manage it.
I enjoy watching and doing MMA, and did brazillian jiu jitsu and muay thai in the past. I do badminton with friends at the weekend.
Im also a bit of a nerd and play lots of computer games, board games, warhammer and D and D 😀
I never really stay still… so much energy… so much to do!
My Work:
I’m James a GP in Bulwell in Nottingham. I’m a “Portfolio GP” which means I have lots of different little jobs: teaching other GPs, Podcasting and training and lots of other things. I’m also designing a healthcare app called “GrowNotts”.
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I have a busy worklife seeing patients 2 days a week and the other 3 doing school outreach, project management, conferences and teaching but I ALWAYS make time for my extra curricular things as I feel that work allows me to do other fun stuff, so you need to make time for it.
My Typical Day:
Clinical day:
I wake at around 730 eat and drive to work to get there at 900. I see 15 patients with different issues – you never know what you are going to get! We get 10 minutes per patient but it usually takes me longer as people are getting more and more complex. T
Around 1230 we do paperwork, write letters, check blood tests.
Around 1pm I may go and visit a patient in their home and with any luck get back for some lunch
1430 – 15 more patients and the afternoon is similar to the morning but each day is so different with what you see!
Non-Clinical Day:
Could be anything! Meetings, teaching, run an event, podcasting, speaking to students 🙂
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Clinical day:
Arrive 9am. See 5 patients (mix of issues) – you never know what you are going to get. We get 10 minutes per patient but it usually takes me longer as people are getting more and more complex. Then call 5 patients, see 5 patients.
Around 1230 – Paperwork, write letters, check blood tests.
Around 1pm I may go and visit a patient in their home.
1430 – 15 more patients and the afternoon is similar to the morning but each day is so different with what you see!
Non-Clinical Day:
Could be anything! Meetings, teaching, run an event, podcasting, speaking to students 🙂